Municipal Theatre

Guest of Honour, by Atom Egoyan exclusive première at Campo Alegre

The Theatre Campo Alegre screens the latest film by acclaimed Canadian director Atom Egoyan: Guest of Honour. This drama by Atom Egoyan, which debuted at the Venice Festival in 2019, was nominated for an Oscar.

Cycle: 25x Buñuel - Last opportunities to watch Buñuel at Campo Alegre

Following the so called first phase films screening by Luís Buñuel, Porto Municipal Theatre- Campo Alegre features the second phase films by the Spanish/Mexican director. The films are part of the Cycle: 25x Buñuel and are on screen at Campo Alegre cine studio from 4th June to 26th June.

New premieres at Campo Alegre bring Martin Eden, by Pietro Marcello

July is here and with it new premieres to the cine studio of Campo Alegre, by Medeia Filmes; this week, Martin Eden, by Pietro Marcello, one of the most promising directors of the new generation of Italian filmmakers.

Last films by Buñuel on display at Campo Alegre

Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre features the filmography by Luís Buñuel till the 1st July. There are two sessions per film each day, at 6.30pm and at 9.39pm. These are the last days to watch the cult films by one of the most relevant cinema directors of all times.

The artwork by Buñuel at Campo Alegre

This weekend, take time to enjoy another great film by iconic director Luís Buñuel. The film on show is "The Diary of a Chambermaid", adapted by the homonymous novel by Octave Mirbeau and the first directed with the participation of French producer Serge Silberman. "The Diary of a Chambermaid" is on show at Campo Alegre as of Sunday, at 3.30pm, at 6.30pm and at 9.30pm.

Online talk on the future of performing arts by TMP

Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP) features an online cycle to debate the future of performing arts during and after the pandemic. The cycle "Nada ficou no lugar, e agora?" features the second talk happens on 25th June, and the theme is "Management: challenges in a pandemic world"The talk starts at 6.30pm and it is streamed live on TMP's Facebook.

The Exterminating Angel

This weekend don't miss the double sessions of films "That Obscure Object of Desire" and "The Exterminating Angel", on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Buñuel worked in France, Mexico and Spain. When he died, at age 83, his obituary in The New York Times mentioned the words "iconoclast, moralist, and revolutionary".

Second phase of the 25 X BUÑUEL now playing in Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre

Campo Alegre movie theatre reopened last 11th June, after a three-months lockdown due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. On display, the filmography by Luis Buñuel, till 1st July.

P.E.D.R.A. live streaming on TMP Facebook

Porto Municipal Theatre presents the live streaming of P.E.D.R.A. - Educational Project in Dance Teenager Directory (free translation), on TMP's Facebook on 14th June, at 6pm.

Campo Alegre Theatre resumes film screenings on 11th June

Campo Alegre Theatre/Medeia Filmes opens doors on 11th June, as all sessions had been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Cinema screenings are taking up again with the filmography by Spanish director Luis Buñuel.