
Online talk on the future of performing arts by TMP

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Filipa Brito

Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP) features an online cycle to debate the future of performing arts during and after the pandemic. The cycle "Nada ficou no lugar, e agora?" features five talks to be presented online; following the first talk on 18th June, the second talk happens on 25th June, and the theme is "Management: challenges in a pandemic world", with the participation of Carla Bolito (Actress), Cláudia Belchior (Chairman of the Board of TNDM II) and Cláudia Galhós (journalist of Expresso), moderated by Francisca Carneiro Fernandes (Executive Director of Porto Municipal Theatre). 

The talk starts at 6.30pm and it is streamed live on TMP's Facebook.

This important talk takes place in a time when the current Covid-19 pandemic turned the world upside down, especially the performing arts sector, due to the preventive social distancing measures in place.

The cycle "Nada ficou no Lugar, e agora?" ["Nothing is the same, what now?" free translation] joins artists, programmers, planners, communicators and cultural mediators that seek to find answers on how to do their jobs.

The talk is available in Portuguese Sign Language.
