Municipal Theatre

Foco Famílias or a rewarding weekend for families by Porto Municipal Theatre

This weekend, on 12 and 13 December, Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP) presents the fourth edition of Foco Famílias. This is an online event, suitable to the ongoing circumstances and a rather creative way to welcome families to TMP’s celebration of leisure time with our loved ones. The weekend activities come in all shapes, as it brings along performances to enjoy as a family, recipes to make the mouth water, dance and even talking over the phone with a giant sloth.

Jonathan Uliel Saldanha is the associated artist of Porto Municipal Theatre

The latest project by Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, "Mercúrio Vermelho" debuts his latest work at the Rivoli, on 10, 11, 12 and 13 December. This will be the starting point of the new collaboration between the artists and Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP), which will extend for the 2020/21 and the 2021/22 seasons.

“Ø ilha” by Cláudia Varejão and Joana Castro is available online at Porto Municipal Theatre

This season, Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP) launched the project PAR(S) – Artes Performativas e Imagem Online [Online Performance Arts and Image”, free translation], with the purpose of presenting both in-person and online performances. “Ø ilha” by Cláudia Varejão and Joana Castro is already available online at Porto Municipal Theatre, from 1st December to 31st December 2020.

Film "Ordem Moral" is based on real facts

Ordem Moral, a film based on real facts, tells the story of a woman that stood against an epoch good morals and escaped to live with the love of her life. In 1918, Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, Portuguese socialite and heiress of Eduardo Coelho, founder of the major daily newspaper Diário de Notícias, abandons the luxury life she was living and decides to join her lover, a family chauffer, and 26 years younger than her.

Four short films by Gabriel Abrantes on screen at Campo Alegre

Porto Municipal Theatre - Campo Alegre features a programme of four short films by Gabriel Abrantes, namely Freud Und Friends (2015), A Brief History of Princess X (2016), Os Humores Artificiais (2016), Les Extraordinaires Mésaventures de la Jeune Fille de Pierre (2018).

Last week to go see films by Akira Kurosawa at Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre

These are the last days to see films by the Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, one of the most acknowledged Japanese filmmakers in the West. Seven films, in digital restored copies, five of which were never presented in a movie theatre in Portugal, are on screen at Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre.

Jaguar: a dance performance and a puppet theatre at Campo Alegre

The definition of the performance that takes to the stage at the auditorium of Theatre Campo Alegre, on 24th October, at 7pm is themed "Jaguar". But this theme extends to other interpretations; Marlene Monteiro Freitas and Andreas Merk stage a dance performance and a puppet theatre and activate individual feelings and notions that will have universal meaning.

The masterpieces of Akira Kurosawa on show at Campo Alegre

One of the most acknowledged Japanese filmmakers in the West, Akira Kurosawa produced renowned filmography, which are on display at Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre, from 17th September till 30th October. Seven films, in digital restored copies, five of which were never presented in a movie theatre in Portugal, will be screened at Porto Municipal Theatre - Campo Alegre.

Queer Porto 6th edition kicks off on 13th October

Queer Porto is back in Rivoli from 13 to 17 October. This is the 6th edition of this International Cinema Festival and programme comprises as diversified and relevant film selection and activities.

2001- A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick on show at Rivoli

Over 50 years after being directed and released in theatres, the epic drama on adventure and space exploration "2001- A Space Odyssey", by Stanley Kubrick, takes to the big screen at Municipal Theatre Rivoli.