
Students from Porto Elementary School win cinema festival in Slovenia

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Students from Fonte da Moura Elementary School in Porto won Best Film Award at the ENIMATION Festival, which was held in Slovenia.
"A Dança das Máscaras" ["The Dance of the Masks", free translation], an animated film directed by 3rd grade students of the said school in the academic year 2017/18, was awarded, the first prize in the category "MINI - films directed by children up to 10 years old" at the International Children and Youth Film Festival ENIMATION. 

This is not the first time that Elementary school students from Porto win podium places when it comes to cinema festivals, as a result of the work developed in the context of the Animation Cinema Educational Municipal Programme "Porto de Crianças".

This programme is implemented under the guidance of technicians of the Recreational centre of Animated Picture (Centro Lúdico da Imagem Animada) - ANILUPA, of the Associação de Ludotecas do Porto, who work closely with the several teachers of the school classes. The entire process comprises all the creation stages and movie direction of an animated movie.

This subject is part of the school curricula and it strengthens the student's personal and social skills.
Also, the language of animated movies enables the students to liaise in a structured way with all relevant areas of the artistic, cultural and scientific knowledge. It is not only a powerful teaching tool teachers can use but also an insight opportunity both for teachers and students.