
French corporation "Webhelp" settles in Porto and creates 350 jobs

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"Saying is not enough, we need action", stated Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto at the inauguration of Webhelp facilities in the city of Porto.

World leader in the field of subcontracting, webhelp was assisted by InvestPorto, the municipal office that supports the economic development of the city.

According to Benoist Voidie, Webhelp's local manager, "the company was easily established in Porto".

This is the newest example of "this consistent work required to attain positive operating results for the city of Porto", Mayor Rui Moreira declared.

This opening reiterates the importance of such an investment that employs mostly (about 90%) Portuguese workers, "sons and daughters of emigrants that have lived in France, so this is what creates jobs and opportunities", Rui Moreira added.