
Did you know that bats play a vital role in ecosystems? Pay them a visit in Porto City Park and embrace an amazing experience

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Nature provides children and adults alike with enriching experiences, by experiencing the great outdoors and thus profiting from an array of social, educational and planetary benefits. 

The municipal network for Environmental Education in Porto invites for an evening with bats on 21st August, at 8.30pm, at the Centro de Educação Ambiental do Núcleo Rural, in the City Park.

This session is devoted to get to know this night creature and dispel myths about this nocturnal flying mammal. For starters, bats are the only mammals capable of flying like birds and their vision is more accurate than that of most humans. Furthermore, all 27 bats species in Portugal are insectivores, and eight of those are endangered species. Bats usually communicate with each other through high frequency chirps, screeches, and songs, which they use to hunt.

Bat tourism is essential as it helps preserve bat's habitat and raise awareness on the important role these mammals play in ecosystems as pollinators, insectivores and frugivores.

The session is participation free, but prior registration is mandatory, in line with the health measures issued by the Health Authorities, namely social distancing, respiratory etiquette, hand hygiene and use of face masks.

Participation is available for 15 participants and prior application is mandatory by completing a form. Register here.