
What can one do in the evening this summer?

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The Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) offers non material culture to enjoy in the evenings this summer in Porto.

The entire July offers poetry, music, dance and debates to the MHNC-UP's yard, from Tuesday to Saturday, starting at 9.30pm. Entrance is free (by the Jardim da Cordoaria).

After reopening to the public on 22nd June, the Casa Comum of the University of Porto has prepared an entire month of July, the "Noites do Pátio do Museu" [something like "Evenings in the yard at the Museum"], for everyone to switch on to culture and vote out estranged feelings.

These activities are held outdoors and there are a lot of activities to suit everyone's tastes. Also, entrance is free, upon prior appointment.

The programme kicks off on 1st July, with a talk on "The Voice of Objects, Dinosaurs of MHNC-UP", delivered by researcher João Muchagata. Also this week, it will be possible to enjoy a concert by Andor Violeta, on 2nd July or even to watch the launch of the cinema cycle DOC ÍNDEX: Forbidden Documentaries, on 3rd July.

But July will also bring a poetry session, on 7th July, by Adolfo Luxúria Canibal the vocalist of the band Mão Morta or with Andreia C. Faria, on 21st July. This season's evening culture is at the UP also offer an illusionary show with Gonçalo Gil, on 30th July.

The "Noites no Pátio" offer circa 23 events to optimise your month of July in the Invicta

Safety measures are in place to make sure everyone complies with the guidelines by the Health authorities concerning the ongoing pandemic. As such, room availability is limited to a third of its capacity, hand sanitation is mandatory, mask faces are compulsory and shoes will also be disinfected.

On the resuming of live cultural activities , professor Fátima Vieira, Vice-Rector of the UP for Culture reaffirmed to the news portal of the UP that lockdown would have been more difficult to endure without culture.

See HERE the full agenda for the Noites no Pátio do Museu.