
Walking is beneficial and makes the city more attractive

  • Porto.

  • Article



Filipa Brito

Porto has been elected as the third best city in Europe to be explored on foot, according to the British blog Preply. The ranking is led by Seville (Spain), followed by Venice (Italy). Below Invicta we can find Florence (Italy) and Athens (Greece). Other towns like Oslo (Norway), Zagreb (Croatia) and Lisbon are indicated by Preply as some of the most difficult for pedestrian tourism.

Pedestrian tourism is gaining more and more fans throughout Europe. Exploring on foot is one of the best ways to discover a new city, as it is easier to spot the rarest hidden gems and check every corner, not to mention the cultural and architectural heritage.

To establish the ranking, the British platform analysed the distance that separated each cities’ five main attractions, and how many steps would be necessary to reach them, in the 30 most popular touristic cities in Europe. Those visiting Porto would only need, in average, 2.940 steps to visit all 5 attractions.

Seville is the calmest of these European cities, demanding only 2.100 steps to visit its main attractions. On the other hand, in Lisbon tourists have to take 31.500 steps, always taking into consideration its scenic characteristics.

The Municipality of Porto, facing the new challenges that came from the growth in volume of tourists, has made its priority the execution of new measures proposed in the Visão para a Sustentabilidade do Destino that will “diversify for growth and determine segments and the profile of those who visit us”. It is a new strategy for the sector, focused on positive tourism, with new narratives, with ways to boost and reinforce the city’s attractiveness while simultaneously ensuring sustainability for its local residents.