
Shuttle supports art from Porto abroad

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Porto Municipal Council unanimously approved support to art internationalisation at the Executive meeting held this morning in Porto City Hall.

This endorsement is named Shuttle and its fundamental goal is to promote contemporary art work, creators and cultural operators of the city of Porto abroad.

This open call runs till December 2018 and is targeted at developing artistic projects at a global level.

The budget available for this call is 30 000 euros, and it is aimed at awarding grants to projects spanning between 1500 euros and 7500 euros, in the following artistic disciplines: visual arts and curatorship, performing arts, performance and musical composition, translation and literary creation and essay work.

This bid programme will be included in the Pláka Platform, as other programmes such as the Criatório or the Anuário.

This provision enhances artistic contemporary production as a key carrier that supports Porto's development and is featured as part of the municipality's long-term cultural development strategy.

Every two months the jury of the Shuttle award will examine all applications submitted during that period and will deliberate on support allocation.

The internationalization projects shall be implemented by March 31 2019, and applications can be submitted as of April 6, via email

Regulation will be available at the same time at