
Shuttle programme accommodates applications till October 2021

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Shuttle new edition has been approved by the Municipal Executive early December 2020 and it will be effective until October 2021. The goal is to award artistic creation projects in the Invicta, throughout the year, so as to promote the solidification of artists, cultural agents and spaces’ activities in Porto. The programme includes an increase in the available budget, in a total of 75 thousand euros. To provide financial support to logistic expenses and production costs.

This new tender for 2021 accommodates applications till October 2021 and the jury will, then, decide on applications and Grant allocation, in February, June and October. The maximum amount to be allocated is 25 thousand euros per each meeting. If the total budget value is not fully allocated, it will transfer to the following meeting.

Applications for Shuttle projects should feature performance dates till 31st March 2022, in the fields of visual arts and curatorship, performative arts, performance and musical composition, translation and literary creation and essay writing. Applications should be submitted to the email

Grant allocation is decided by the following jury: the artist Marta Ângela (Von Calhau!), the architect and curator Luís Albuquerque Pinho and the doctor, performer and choreographer Mara Andrade.

Further information on the Criatório and Shuttle programmes and applications at the Pláka Platform.