
Run at Night in the City Park of Porto on 27 July and win a trip to Euro Disney in Paris

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When the sun goes down, on 27 July, put on your running shoes and go mingle with superheroes. The starting pistol is set for 9.30pm.
This year theme for the Night Race in the City Park of Porto is superheroes and comic books. This is an 8K race and both the starting point and the finish line will be located near the Queimódromo. Participants can choose to run individually or in a group. 

For sure, Wonder Woman, Batman, Captain Marvel or even Thor might be there to run along as new research shows that the benefits of running at night are greater than exercising during the day.

So, you'll run faster and much probably will sleep better, following this annual event that features a side of fantasy, as the goal is to combine sports and fun.

This event is organised by Runporto, with the support of Porto Lazer.

The Night Race is open to participants of all ages, even though there are rules that should be followed.

The aftermath of the race is set to take place in a lounge and leisure area, where "athletes" can share their experience and relax.

All participants are eligible to win a trip to Euro Disney, in Paris. Regarding runner awards, they're as follows:

1st place - 250 euros purchase voucher

2nd place - 150 euros purchase voucher

3rd place - 100 euros purchase voucher

Click here for further information.