
Portuguese Post Office launches philatelic emission illustrating the city of Porto

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Porto is honoured by Portuguese Post Office (CTT) that put into circulation a stamp collection made of four stamps that illustrate the "genuineness of this city", according to CTT. 

The text that accompanies the launch of the special philatelic emission is themed "Caráter na paisagem líquida" (Character in the liquid landscape), on which one could read: "O Porto não quer ser mais do que o Porto, e assim será sempre maior" (Porto doesn't want to be more than Porto, and therefore it will always be greater").

And because in Porto "life times and life cycles mix in a natural way", it is with the frame of the graphic identity of Porto. brand that the city's landmarks are presented, namely Torre dos Clérigos (project by Nicolau Nasoni, 1831), Casa da Música (by architect Rem Koolhaas, 2005), Luís I Bridge (1881-1888, by Théophile Seyrig, former collaborator of Gustave Eiffel in the making of D. Maria Pia Bridge) and river Douro.

In accordance with CTT, the connection to the river is "a clear influence in this philatelic emission, embodying the city's own identity".

In a statement, the company mentions that the unique landscape and some of the city's architectural symbols, "chosen to this philatelic commemoration by Portuguese Post office can only be complete if both character and patrimony and the utterance of Porto people as well are associated to this initiative."

The postal rates include stamps worth 0, 50 euros with a circulation of 135,000 copies; stamps worth 0,70 euros with a circulation of 110.000 copies; another stamp with a face value of 0,80 euros with a circulation of 135.000 copies; and a fourth stamp with a face value of 0,85 euros with a circulation of 355.000 copies. All four stamps measure 40X30, 6 mm.