Ponte Luís I changes to LED lighting and reduces the municipal energetic consumption
The Municipality of Porto has provided the Ponto Luís I with 66 LED lamps, which will allow for around six thousand euros to be saved from the city’s energy bill annually.
The equipment, installed by Águas e Energia do Porto, will make the bridge more efficient and will reduce the ecological footprint, the equivalent of reducing the CO2 emissions by about 20 tons a year, or of planting around a thousand trees.
The new lighting system, which was installed along the infrastructure, is equipped with a driving and flux regulation system. This way, the activation can be adjusted according to the desired effect, allowing for bigger energy savings and enhancing the beauty of the bridge at night.
With this initiative, the city takes another step towards decarbonization, defined for 2030, in relation to the Porto Climate Pact. “The several initiatives that we have been implementing contribute directly towards Porto’s affirmation as an energetically efficient city. We are working towards ensuring a more sustainable future and with better life quality for everyone”, Filipe Araújo claims, the vice-president of Porto City Hall.
More efficient lighting will reach more and more places in the city
The Municipality defends that, so that Porto becomes carbon neutral, it is essential to increase the energetic efficiency. It has, therefore, invested in practices and in equipment energetically more sustainable, for example, the transition of all public and scenic lighting to LED technology.
The purpose is to contribute towards the world and national efforts in energy saving, safeguarding the conditions of security and convenience of the citizens. For example, last month all lamps of Quinta de Bonjóia were reconverted, providing all footpaths and streets with efficient lighting and increasing the security of those who use the space.
Up until now, several maintenance and requalification operations have been implemented throughout the city, such as in the Fornos da antiga Fábrica de Louça de Massarelos, in the Forte de São Francisco Xavier (Castelo do Queijo), in the Fonte Monumental de Mouzinho da Silveira, in Praça da Batalha and in the Terreiro da Sé. A new requalification of the scenic lighting to LED technology will follow in the Muralha Fernandina.
Lighting from several green spaces was also requalified and changed to LED technology, as is the case with the Parque da Cidade, with a total of 410 more efficient lighting points, with Jardim José Roquette or with Parque Infantil do Jardim do Conhecimento, among others.