
OECD Conference on Skills starts tomorrow in Porto

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The Skills Summit'18 Porto runs on 28 and 29 June in Porto and gathers over 20 OECD Member States and partner countries.

This is the first time Portugal organises this meeting, which occurs every two years, and gathers ministers and state secretaries in charge of teaching and higher education, professional training, work, science and innovation, economic development and digital politics.

This conference is organised by the Ministry of Education jointly with Porto City Hall.

The conference, on the theme "Skills for a Digital World" is organised in the format of OECD scene-setting presentations to provide key information data about skills and digitalisation. Plenary discussions follow among ministers.

"Skills are the new currency", as they are vital to overcome ever changing challenges at a global level.

Countries and people are interconnected as never before. It is imperative to tackle the negative impact of rapid change. For doing so, people have to re-skill and up-skill throughout their lives, adjusting to new challenges and seizing new opportunities, "where needs be".

Porto will play host to this impacting conference, which will take place at Porto Palácio Hotel the next couple of days.

It is worth mentioning that the Skills Summit 2018 logo was designed by a student of the Soares dos Reis Artistic School in response to the challenge launched by the Ministry of Education to this institution.

+ Info: Skills Summit 2018