
First project financed by municipal programme "Criatório" commences in Serralves

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The critical thinking assembly, Metabolic Rifts is the first funded project by the municipal programme "Criatório" and it will begin 14 October, in Serralves. The purpose of this project is to foster critical thinking and to sustain transversal practices and discourses in visual and performing arts.

The starting point will be at Serralves Auditorium, at 2.30 pm and the invited speakers are Brenna Bhandar, Nikita Dhawan, Ana Teixeira Pinto and Ana Vujanovic.

Metabolic Rifts is an organisation that is part of the Prospections for Art, Education and Knowledge Production, a peripatetic assembly, whose raison d'être is investigation in visual and performing arts, organised by Alexandra Balona and Sofia Lemos.

With the support of "Criatório", regarding artistic creation, promoted by Porto City Hall, Prospections develops a series of discourse acts, exhibitions, performances and publications in order to "explore methodological orthodoxies so as to promote investigation as an open and dialogical gathering that favours plenaries and mobilises theory and practice to study narratives and disputes on the origins and functions of the subject".

Metabolic Rifts will continue throughout next year, in different locations.