
Academic tradition at Avenida dos Aliados with students' parade

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This afternoon there will be students strolling on the roads of Porto and ultimately at Avenida dos Aliados wearing dark clothes, colourful ribbons and top hats and literally screaming their lungs out.

It is only natural, after all, it is the day of the Cortejo Académico in the city Centre of Porto. All students from the University of Porto parade from Cordoaria till the Aliados, where they will be welcomed by the City Hall Executive and members of the University of Porto.

This is a major symbol for freshmen as they become official academic students and the seniors with canes and hats bid farewell to their student life.

The name of this party, Queima das Fitas, means burning the ribbons, which symbolizes the farewell to the student life and the beginning of the next phase in life: the professional stage.

Many families and other general public attend the Cortejo.

Besides the Cortejo, the Queima das Fitas Week includes many events taking place throughout the week such as the monumental serenade, Tuna's festival and music and concerts at the Queimódromo (at the City Park).

It is said that the students 'outfit -the capa and batina - has influenced writer J. K. Rowling, who lived in Porto, in the designing of Hogwarts' pupils uniforms in the Harry Potter novels.