
The Thrill is Back with Rui Veloso and Shirley King at Porto Blues fest, 26 and 27 May

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The first edition of the blues festival will be held in May, 26 and 27. How Blue Can you get at Porto Blues Fest, on May 26 and 27, at Palácio de Cristal Gardens?

Among the highlights of the festival is the tribute concert to the King of the Blues, BB King, aka BB (Blues Boy) by Shirley king Blues Band "The daughter of the Blues", featuring Rui Veloso, on 27 May at 10 pm.

Portuguese musician Rui Veloso, known as BB King's Portuguese son and the only musician to have shared the stage with BB King, will also play at this concert in honour of the King of the Blues.

BB King, who performed Blues and R&B hits for more than 50 years, bequeathed to the world a body of work spanning six decades, defining the blues and releasing over fifty albums, many of them classics. 

The blues festival, which encapsulates music festivals focused on blues, also features bands like Delta Blues Riders and Julian Burdock & Danny Del Toro.

Set in the beautiful gardens of Palácio de Cristal in the city of Porto, Porto Blues Fest is on a fast-track to becoming one of the most electrifying blues concert ever.

The town is expected to fill with many thousands of blues and R&B fans, in this two-day festival.

The single ticket for the festival (25 euros) is already available at last2ticket and ticketline.

Visit the Porto Blues Fest Facebook page for more info.