Civil Protection

The organising commission of the 25th April will not take to the streets but it will shout out at Windows

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Every year, Porto City Hall organizes, jointly with the organising commission of the 25th April, the festivities to mark the date. 

This year, due to the pandemic and the Emergency State, the celebrations to mark the 1974 Revolution and the end of the dictatorship will not take to the streets, but the commission urges people to chant from windows.

Thus, "to honour the heroism displayed by the military and the courage of the Portuguese people, who resisted, faced and overthrew dictatorship", the commission is organising a movement to mark the Carnation Revolution and calls on people to chant "Grândola Vila Morena" from their balconies or windows, at 3pm, on 25th April.

The following entities are part of the organising commission: A25A - Associação 25 de Abril, ACCP - Associação das Colectividades do Porto, APRe! - Associação de Aposentados, Pensionistas e Reformados, CACDACO - Centro Cultural Adriano Correia de Oliveira, Cooperativa Árvore, CPPC - Centro Português para a Paz e Cooperação, ACR - Associação Conquistas da Revolução, URAP - União dos Resistentes Antifascistas de Portugal, FCDP - Federação das Colectividades Distrito Porto, UPP - Universidade Popular do Porto, MDM - Movimento Democrático de Mulheres, MMP - Mais Memória Porto, Murpi - Confederação Nacional de Reformados, Pensionistas e Idosos, IR/CGTP-IN - Inter-Reformados, UNICEPE - Cooperativa Livreira de Estudantes do Porto, USP/CGTP-IN - União dos Sindicatos do Porto / CGTP - Intersindical Nacional.