
Sport at the University of Porto is one of the 100 best in the world

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Guilherme Costa Oliveira

The Faculty of Sport of the University of Porto (FADEUP) was considered one of the best schools in the world. According to the 2023 edition of Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Sports Science Schools and Departments, FADEUP is among the top 100, being the only national institution in this top.

The classification comes after evaluating more than three hundred sports education schools worldwide, according to criteria such as scientific articles indexed in the Web of Science, total citations, citations per article, articles published in academic publications of greater impact or articles published in co-authorship with authors from other countries.

According to this, which is, according to Notícias UP, one of the most prestigious international rankings for the evaluation of higher education institutions, the Faculty of Sports of the University of Porto stands out from other national institutions in academic and research performance indicators such as the number of publications indexed to the Web of Science, the total number of citations and the number of articles published in scientific journals of greater impact.

Leading the Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Sports Science Schools and Departments is the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences/Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Deakin University in Australia.