
São João Concert features Portuguese Symphonic Band on 24th June

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João Queirós

São João in Porto is the reason why the eve of 24th June is the longest night in town and the celebration doesn't end at break of dawn; in fact, it continues all day long and at 5 pm, as is tradition, the Concert of São João features the Portuguese Symphonic Band.

Maestro Francisco Ferreira will direct dozens of musicians, this year with the presence of the Clarinet Quartet of Lisbon.

São João Concert line up:

- "La Paconchita" | Óscar Navarro

- "Queen" | Arranjos de Jorge Salgueiro

- "Interlace" | Lino Guerreiro (estreia absoluta)

- "Hoaxing Sea" | Arranjos de Lino Guerreiro*

- "Libertadores" | Óscar Navarro

- "Lusitanidades" | Carlos Marques

Access, as always, is free.