
Intercultural Mediation in the Municipality of Porto

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The Project of Intercultural Mediation in the Municipality of Porto corresponds to an investment of nearly 340 million Euros. The main aim is to help the integration of the most vulnerable communities in town, namely the Romani communities and the migrants. It was approved unanimously during the last Executive meeting at Porto City Hall.

It is a project developed by Porto City Hall in partnership with entities of the Civil Society, namely, Associação de Solidariedade e Ação Social de Ramalde, Espaço T - Associação para Apoio à Integração Social e Comunitária, Associação de Ludotecas do Porto, e JRS Portugal - Associação Jesuíta aos Refugiados.

The Municipality promotes the communitarian intercultural mediation and takes on the role of a close management of social cultural diversity.

Councillor for Housing and Social Cohesion, Fernando Paulo, highlights that "the promotion of interculturality in the municipality is key to the development of more inclusive communities".

The implementation of Intercultural Mediators is co-financed by the four partner associations. The project is also granted community funds, in the framework of an application submitted to the Opreational Programme for Social Inclusion and Employment (POISE), managed by the High Commissariat for Migrations. This approval incluses the co-participation of expenses by Porto City Hall.