
Interactive opera for everyone at Campo Alegre

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The musical and interactive opera Simplex, produced by Quarteto Contratempus, combines digital scenography and interactive performances, and it will be on stage at the Municipal Theatre Campo Alegre on 15 and 16 June.

The opera concert offers a digital and animation mapping exercise, concurrently droll and participatory, and the plot's starting point is an illustration project that will be mapped on stage and that conveys the technological advances of a small town parish council - Vila Velha do Pinheiro - the "Simplex".

"This performance is about Geneviève, a reporter that goes to this small town of Vila Velha do Pinheiro to talk to the Chairman of the Parish Council on the extremely advanced methods the parish applies - the Simplex. And it all happened because the American B Jobs surrendered to the charms of that region and is currently adviser to the Parish Chairman. This story will be told through this digital, interactive, hilarious opera that combines light, sound and illustration. All of these in one show", explains Carlos pinto, the producer of the show.

The Quarteto Contratempus is a startup incubated at UPTEC, in 2008, by ESMAE musicians. It is a Group of Contemporary Chamber Music devoted to the production of operas in Portuguese language.

The startup was distinguished with the 3rd National prize of Creative Industries, in 2018, which is promoted by the Super Bock Group and Serralves, and with the BfK Award, sponsored by the National Agency for Innovation.

Click here for Ticket info.