
Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto celebrates 100 years of intellectual freedom

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The Faculty of Arts, University of Porto (FLUP) celebrates its 100 anniversary in 2019.
The centenary of the Faculty's establishment highlights the innovative, radical, creative, and pioneering spirit of the school.  

A comprehensive activities programme is set to mark the occasion, including meetings, conferences, and exhibitions that are open to the entire community.

Celebrations start today at 6 pm, in the amphitheatre of the FLUP, featuring the first session of the Conference Cycle "Conferências do 19".

One of the highlights of the programme is the International Meeting "Arts among tradition and innovation", scheduled for 25 and 26 June, at the FLUP and at the Rectory of the University of Porto. The main aim is to promote a sharing of ideas on Humanities and Social Sciences.

The Faculty of Arts, University of Porto (FLUP) began operating in the school year of 1919-1920, led by Leonardo Coimbra. In 1928, the Faculty was closed by order of the military dictatorship; it was restored in 1961, and it has been working up to present.

The Faculty moved to the current facilities in 1996.

Check here the detailed Programme of events.