
Executive approves adherence to Rainbow Cities Network

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Miguel Nogueira

Executive has approved the proposal to make the city of Porto adhere to Rainbow Cities Network, the international collaboration network of which more than 40 cities around the world are already members, that aims for the inclusion of LGBTQI+, the exchange of experiences, good practices and challenges, and the collaboration between cities in actions or projects in common.

The Municipality of Porto has, for the last years, supported LGBTQI+ initiatives and entities, regarding actions to promote gender equality, ensuring their active role in development and social cohesion.

The city’s integration in this international net will ease the access to specific and innovative methods when approaching LBGTQI+ matters, enabling the inclusion and social equity.

According to Catarina Santos Cunhas, councillor for Tourism and Internationalisation, “Porto aims to be a more inclusive city and that reflects in its municipal policies in various domains. This decision from the municipal Executive will allow the reinforcement, in an international level as well, of Porto’s position as a city that accepts everyone that reside or visit it.