
Everything you need to know before visiting Porto Book Fair 2020

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Miguel Nogueira

This year is untypical, nothing like no other that everyone has ever experienced both at global level and simultaneously. Almost the entirety of cultural events were cancelled or postponed.  

Porto Book Fair is back this August and runs from two weeks with manifold events and strict pandemic preventive measures that are mandatory. To visit Porto Book Fair, which is held from 28th August to 13th September, here is what you need to know regarding schedules, capacity, hygiene measures, and event tickets, to help you better prepare the literary journey ahead:


Monday to Thursday: 12 noon - 9.30pm

Friday: 12 noon - 11pm

Saturday: 11am - 11pm

Sunday: 11am - 9.30pm

Prevention measures

Porto Book Fair complies with the pandemic preventive measures issued by the health Authorities, targets at mitigating and preventing the risks associated to the spread of COVID-19.

Thus, the enclosure capacity is 3500 people simultaneously, and there are designated circulation areas in the Gardens of the Palácio de Cristal.

There are designated entry and exit spots to Porto Book fair, people must take their right-hand side when circulating the enclosure, and must keep the safe social distancing of two metres.

Hand disinfection must be done frequently, and gloves, as well as masks, must be disposed in the appropriate waste containers.

Access to the pavilions and business interaction

The use of face masks is mandatory. The organisation of Porto Book fair will provide all stands and entities disposable gloves to handle books on display.

Face-to-face service is provided to one person at a time and electronic payment methods are given preference.

Indoor activities

The use of face mask is mandatory and visitors must comply with entry and exit points. Space availability is limited and it is not permitted to resume seats once a person has exited the room.


All Porto Book fair activities are entrance free, but limited occupancy availability.

For the events held at the Concha Acústica, Lago dos Cavalinhos, Ilha and Terreiro do Lago, entrance is done on a "first come, first served" basis, till maximum capacity available is reached.

For the events held at the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library, participants should previously collect their ticket, as of one and a half hour before the beginning of the event, at the Library's Information Desk (Balcão de Informações da Biblioteca). Ticket collection is limited to two tickets per person. 

Regarding the Debates and the Quintas de Leitura, which take place at the Auditorium of the Super Bock Arena - Pavilhão Rosa Mota, and the "Concertos de Bolso", which will go on stage at the Terreiro da Casa do Roseiral, previous ticket collection can be done one and a half hour prior to the beginning of the event, also limited to two tickets per person.

Space capacity

Auditorium of Super Bock Arena - Pavilhão Rosa Mota: 265 seats

Auditorium of the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library: 95 seats

Salão Independente Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett: 15 seats

Sala Infantojuvenil Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett: 18 seats

Terreiro da Casa do Roseiral: 120 seats

Concha Acústica: 100 seats

Lago dos Cavalinhos: 120 seats

Ilha: 20 seats

Terreiro do Lago: 80 seats

Information is being constantly updated at the Porto Book Fair official website and on Facebook.

See here the full programming of Porto Book Fair 2020.