
English is widely spoken in Porto

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People in Porto have a good command of English. Yes, we do! To newcomers it almost feels like we have been practising for foreigner's arrival.

According to EF English Proficiency Index 2017, which is increasingly cited as an authoritative source by journalists, educators, officials, and business leaders, Porto has the best English in Portugal.

"English is as essential to international communication as it has ever been. It is the language of science, business, and diplomacy. The global adoption of English is not a testament to the cultural supremacy of any one country, but rather a reflection of the need for a shared language in our deeply interconnected world" the index website reads.

This international honour was highlighted during the opening ceremony of the new premises of EF - Education First language school.

Portugal ranks 18th (it fell three places since 2016). Still, there are 80 countries in the index and Portugal shows more gains than countries such as Greece, Spain, France or Italy.

The EF English Proficiency Index 2017 shows that The Netherlands has the best English and countries are classified in five groups - very high, high, moderate, low, and very low.

Portugal ranks high, such as Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary.