
Companhia Instável features "La nuit tous les chats sont gris" at Rivoli

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José Caldeira

The Companhia Instável presents a contemporary choreography inspired by the saying "All cats are grey in the dark", which premieres Friday, February 17th at 9:30 pm.

Choreographed by Laurence Yadi and Nicolas Cantillon, this performance establishes parallel derivations of meanings through words: at night, when the light is dimmer, we are not able to distinguish the colours. That's why all cats seems grey, regardless of their colour. Likewise, if facts are not clear, it is impossible to draw any reliable conclusions because everything is alike.

This artistic creation titled "La nuit tous les chats sont gris" (All cats are grey in the dark) seeks to reinvent perception and interpretation of choreographic movement in dim lighting. 

Laurence Yadi and Nicolas Cantillon have created about twenty choreographic plays, all of which have toured internationally. The Teatro Municipal do Porto presented "Tarab" in January 2015. They are regularly invited to organise workshops in Switzerland and abroad, and they provide professional training to young dancers.

They were awarded with the Swiss Prize for Dance and Choreography and the Lietchi Foundation Award for the Arts.

Companhia Instável is funded by the Government of Portugal - Ministry of Culture/Directorate-General for the Arts. Its main goal is to develop contemporary dance and to create professional opportunities for contemporary dance performers.