
Coliseu Porto 75th anniversary concert

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Porto Symphony Orchestra Casa da Música will present a well-known classic repertoire to the Coliseu audience on 6 May. Coliseu Porto celebrated 75 years December last and this year the celebration continues.

The concert will be conducted by Maestro Martin André, with works by Rossini, Beethoven and Chostakovitch.

This year the Coliseu Porto hosts a wide range of quality events and "in a house for everyone", Eduardo Paz Barroso, President of the Friends of the Coliseu Association notes with satisfaction that one of Porto's most iconic theatre, Coliseu Porto, carries on the tradition of presenting spectacular high quality shows.

Coliseu Porto stands as a monument to the endeavour of the people from the city, continuing to attract a broad audience.

The Overture by William Tell, Symphony No. 5 by Beethoven, and Symphony No. 15 by Chostakovitch are the pieces to be played at this anniversary concert.

The best birthday gift would be a "sold-out performance" says Eduardo Paz Barroso.

What a wonderful way to sing "Happy Birthday" Coliseu Porto, on 6 May at 9:30 pm.