
Chemistry, Engineering and Educational Sciences meet at a Bar...

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The next PubhD Porto, an informal event aimed at disseminating science, will take place at the Pinguim Bar, on 28 June, starting at 9.30 pm.

Experts on Chemistry, Engineering and Educational Sciences will gather to discuss numerous issues such as school failure and the role of the teachers in the inclusion of children and young people in residential care, the catalysing phenomena in metals such as gold and the implication of such phenomena in biosensor production. Another topic on the table is the Smart Grids project on the future of renewable energy.

The PubhD (pub for a PhD debate) is an international movement whose fundamental objective is the promotion of scientific subjects, and it was established in Nottingham in 2014.

In January 2017, three researchers from the University of Porto brought the event to the city with the purpose of "providing a voice to young researchers and disseminating scientific issues, in a creative and informal way, raising awareness on current scientific research".

PubhD Porto happens once a month, always the last Thursday of every month at the Pinguim Café. The next session is the last before the holiday break.

Science meetings resume 27 September.