
And now this… a do-it-yourself cosmetic for keeping a healthy skin while taking a bite at something sweet

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Bring something different to these summer days: a considered and thoughtful homemade face cream that can also be a sweet that will add that special twist to your skin care (and pocket).

Taking care of oneself, body and mind, is not a luxury, not with this tip by the Environment Education Department of Porto City Hall, whose tutorial is available at the “Atelier da Boa Vida” series episode, with tips and advices on how to prepare your own moisturizing cream. The main goal is to look for healthier elements in Nature that also add sustainability to everyday life.

One tablespoon of cocoa, another of olive oil, and two of honey: these are the ingredients for a face mask, chemical products free, and using everyday natural products.

One the ingredients are mixed, the resulting thick paste must be put in glass jars and applied twice a week, conferring a smoothing effect to the skin, hydrating it by its antioxidant effects and helping the fight against aging.

For those allergic to pollen, honey or propolis, the Environment team of Porto City Hall suggests using other products, such as shea butter, beeswax or almond oils, which are as healthy to the skin.

Find out other episodes of “Atelier da Boa Vida” [“Good Life Workshop”, free translation], by Porto City Hall Environment team on such topics as plant’s life, biological products, food waste, or even Xmas decorations, on Porto. portal YouTube or follow the hashtags #atelierdaboavida, #debinoculosnosofa, #historiascomambientedentro, #biodiversidadeemcasa, #ambientedescomplicado and #naturezaabrincar.