
"Real Food" in a family atmosphere at Palácio de Cristal

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The municipal programme "Ambiente em Família" hosts the session titled "Comida de verdade" [Real Food], on 16 December, starting at 10 am.

This event is held in the context of the above mentioned municipal initiative at the Environment Education Centre, in the Palácio de Cristal Gardens.

And because Christmas is just around the corner, and even though on this festive season families thrive on traditions, Christmas should be celebrated in a healthier way. Thus, we are all contributing to a fairer and conscious economy.

The fundamental goal of this event is to "unveil the way food is intended to be grown and consumed".

The session is guided by Hugo Dunkel from LOCAL - Real Food, and participants will have the opportunity to assess the risk we take when we don't put real food on the table and the way it adversely affects our health down the line.

Participation is free of charge but prior registration is mandatory via

Children from the age of six years can participate, and they must be accompanied by an adult.