Civil Protection

Wildland Fire Conference unites specialists from all around the world

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The Congress Centre of Alfândega will host, from May 16th to 19th, the eighth edition of the International Wildland Fire Conference. Many specialists in a global scale, around more than 1.200 participants, will come to Portugal to discuss leadership and enhancement models in prevention politics.

The edition, under the management of Agência para a Gestão Integrada de Fogos Rurais and the Portuguese Republic, has the High Patronage of the President of the Republic and takes place in Portugal “after years of being fatigued by the severe consequences of wildfires”.

According to the organisation, the country “leads in the international commitment to the defence of forests, by promoting and cooperating internationally in the management of forest fires”.

Through the course of three days, more than 500 scientific papers made by world renowned specialists in prevention and suppression of fires, will be presented. Amongst them, Stephen Pyne, historian, urban farmer, and emeritus professor at Arizona State University, Toddi Steelman, Dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment, at Duke University, or Richard de Neufville, professor of Engineering Systems, at MIT.

The International Wildland Fire Conference will also present the movie “And Beneath It All Flows Liquid Fire”, directed by Julian Charrière, and “Fogo” and “Da Terra Acesa” from the artistic duo from Porto, Rita Castro Neves, and Daniel Moreira.

On the 18th, the Portuguese edition of “O Piroceno”, by Stephen Pyne will be released, and will set the tone for a conversation about fire in the perspective of history and philosophy with the author Viriato Soromenho Marques and Carlo Vaz Marques.