
Tuktuk and tourist trains get a “Confiança Porto” seal

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Miguel Nogueira

Hop on hop off services, tuktuk or tourist trains will be certified by the Municipality of Porto. The Municipal Confiança Porto Recognition Program – Motorised Tourist Circuits will be discussed, on Monday, in a meeting with Executive.

The goal for this program is, according to the proposal signed by the councillor for Tourism and Internationalisation, Catarina Santos Cunha, “to recognise the operators in the tourist sector, that organise and promote sustainable tourist excursions, in motorised vehicles in the city of Porto, following quality criteria”.

In order to receive the “Confiança Porto” seal, and according to the norms and conditions of the program, the operators must show evidence of good practices “in terms of hosting, cleanliness of the equipment, of vehicles, of safety, and of sustainability, and economic circularity”.

It continues to be essential that they represent “examples of excellence and promote a sustainable tourist development of the city of Porto, specially in the social, environmental, and economical fields”.

This recognition program considers the willingness to “qualify the tourist service concerning the content that is to be transmitted to tourists and to organise the spatial distribution through the territory of the participant groups of these motorised tourist trips”.

The operators that intend to adopt, implement, and consolidate good practices and initiatives of excellence, will have access to a free program of technical training, promoted by the Municipality.

In the proposal that the councillor for Tourism and Internationalisation submits for a vote, she highlights that in the field of motorised tourist circuits, “the offer has been undertaking an ever-growing expression in the city’s tourist product, fostering the dynamization of the local economy and the strengthening of the resources’ appeal.

The Municipal Program Confiança Porto started in 2021 to certify the accommodation offer in the city and, in the next year, it was expanded to recognise Pedestrian Tours.