Municipal project to create synergies for inclusion was presented in South Korea
“Shaping the Future of Education innovation, tradition and inclusion” was the central theme of the 16th International Congress of Educating Cities, which took place in Andong, South Korea, from 25 to 28 October. Porto was represented by a delegation, headed by the councillor for Education, Fernando Paulo, who presented the project “CriArte: Criação de Sinergias para a Inclusão” to representatives from 130 cities and 22 countries.
Promoted by the International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC), the meeting included a programme of conferences, the presentation of a selection of experiences from several municipalities and study visits to the good practices in the city of Andong, providing delegates with a space for training, learning, sharing, and exchanging experiences.
With a programme focused on the future of education in the city, based on people and their sense of identity and belonging, the main theme “Innovation, Tradition and Inclusion” was developed in various thematic axes: Traditions and Identity: learning from the past; Inclusion : building of a city for everyone, through education and values, and Technology and Social Innovation: fostering a sustainable city focused on people.
Good practices in the areas of Education and Social Cohesion
The councillor for Education of Porto City Hall, presented the project CriArte Porto: Criação de Sinergias para a Inclusão to the congress. Coordinated by the City of Porto and financed by NORTE2020/FSE, under the “Desenvolvimento Local de Base Comunitária” (Community Based Local Development ),strategy eight actions were implemented under the project, which were developed in 20 schools of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Basic Education in the city, with the main objective of promoting the educational success of children and young people from socially fragile territories.
Since its conception, the project was based on the creation of synergies between the many local partners, who focused their intervention on strengthening artistic and sports education, and on the promotion of social and personal skills. From January 2020 to July 2022, CriArte Porto covered more than three thousand participants, and the evaluation and social impact measurement studied conducted by higher education institutions, proved that the project promoted in students, among other skills, self-esteem, the sense of belong to school, attention, participation in classes and school attendance.
The councillor for Education highlighted as well, the importance of these international congresses, as they “allow an excellent exchange of experiences and sharing between the several countries and make known the good practices that Porto develops in the areas of Education and Social Cohesion”.
Within the scope of the congress, the General Assembly of Educating Cities was held, and the location of the next international congress was announced: Curitiba (Brazil), in June 2024. The International Association of Educating Cities currently brings together 500 cities from 34 countries on five continents, of which Poro is a member.