
Porto heads technological project to fight Covid-19

The Municipality of Porto, via Porto Digital, leads the Data4Covid19 project, whose goal is to integrate multiple source data. This resource will enable to implement and monitor, in an integrated way, the measures to fight Covid-19 by combining resources from several companies and research centres, as tools towards decision-making processes, especially regarding health, prevention measures and the rapid establishment of a prognosis.

Startup incubated in UPTEC helps respond to Covid-19

Bioprospectum, a company incubated in UPTEC, the Science and Technology Park in Porto and a spin-off of the Health Research and Innovation Institute in Porto (i3S), has identified two substances with a capacity for antiviral activity that can neutralize structural parts of the SARS-CoV2, by means of computational Chemistry.

UN highlight Porto as a reference city for innovative measures against Covid-19

Fixed tariffs for water, sanitation and urban waste for non-household customers have been exempted in the city of Porto, as approved by Porto City Hall last April. This was pointed as an example by the United Nations (UN), as an innovative measure against Covid-19, in the framework of a policy brief recommended to cities the world over.

On Porto's gradual easing of lockdown...

"With Portugal easing out of confinamento, the second city's residents are enjoying cafes once again, but miss the tourists more than they were expecting", states Oliver Balch, a British author and freelance writer living in Porto.

Águas do Porto shares guidelines on how to deal with water after a long lockdown

Águas do Porto recommends that all clients follow the guidelines regarding empty buildings and water sitting in pipes during the Covid-19 lockdown. These guidelines were issued by the Water & Environment and Services Regulatory Authority for Water and Waste (ERSAR).