Civil Protection

Waste collection adapted to protect workers and special waste bins disinfection

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Waste collection is ensured in the city of Porto, but there are new procedures to follow, in the scope of the contingency plan the city is undergoing.

All waste and recycling bins are particularly sterilized, both to protect workers and to stop the proliferation of the coronavirus.

The collection of waste and the hygiene standards of Porto are running as usual, but now in respect of the measures issued by Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira.

Household bulky waste collection service is not running for the time being, in order to safeguard everyone's integrity as it involves social proximity.

However, door to door collection continues to be undertaken, but collaborators are no longer able to go inside facilities.

Meanwhile, 12 special teams have been set up in Porto for cleaning and disinfecting the waste containers or receptacles, by using a disinfectant solution that ensures that no pathogens remain.

The Recycling Yard (Ecocentro) of Prelada is temporarily suspended; the Recycling Yard of Antas (Rua do Vigorosa) is fully operating, in the usual timetable, from Monday to Saturday, between 8.30am and 8pm.

On an internal level, the municipal company Porto Ambiente has issued directives regarding the individual protection special measures and the preparedness and sterilizations of all means necessary to carry on this type of work.

The phone service ECOlinha (800 205 744) is still available, via homewoking, in the regular working hours, from 9am to 5pm, on work days, and via the email