
Valuing Water: World Water Day is celebrated in Porto

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Filipa Brito

Porto celebrates the importance of water in digital platforms, with activities such as games, workshops and sustainability suggestions. The initiative is jointly organised by the Water Pavilion and Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal.

How do you value your water? Today, 22nd March marks World Water Day and Porto will help you better understand the water principles. Among the several activities, there is a free virtual tour to the Water Pavilion, which offers a more interactive relationship between the community and the role of water. Participate via virtual platforms at Visit Porto Instagram (@visitporto), Associação de Turismo do Porto and the Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal Instagram, as well, @visitportoandnorth, and head to a virtual tour through the Water Pavilion, located in the City park.

The Water Pavilion is a small scale project similar to that designed by Alexandre Burmester for the Expo 98. The same architect was in charge of this renovation works and they represent a total investment of 745 thousand euros.

The design of the Water Pavilion aims to rise people attention on the issues of climate change, water scarcity and pollution of the oceans by deploying new technologies that were not available just twenty years ago.

World Water Day was first held in 1993, and it both celebrates water and raises awareness of the billions of people living without access to safe water.