
The uprising of 31 January 1891 inspires the political decentralisation debate

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 As long ago as 1891, brave men from Porto stood against the centralised government that concentrated most of the political and economic decisions in the capital city of Lisbon. Their efforts were in vain...or not! As up to this day, the ideals they were fighting stand true: the fight for equality and the right to determine one's own destiny.

The plight to build a fairer nation, where equity is of paramount importance remains still.

The parallel was drawn this morning at the Cemetery of Prado de Repouso, where the commemorative ceremonies to mark the 127 years of the first republican rebellion to undermine the monarchy took place.

The ceremony was attended by Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto and by Mayor of Gaia, Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, alongside other Civic Associations and citizens.

For the Mayor of the city of Gaia, "The time to discuss decentralisation is now, and if this does not happen now, it will be under penalty of being put of".

Rui Moreira, in turn, stated that "this debate is long due, since the first Constitution in 1910 and later in 1974".

Therefore, according to the Mayor of Porto, the devolving decision-making powers has to be done at present, and highlighted that "the saviours and defenders of our people are all of us".

The Mayor of Porto also declared that Porto will commemorate the Sanhedrin, thus marking the 24 August and the Liberal Revolution of 1820 in Portugal, and that the commemorative programme will run till 2020, as "the mission to affirming the right to freedom" is "never completed".