Streets of the city brightened to celebrate São João all through the night
There are three popular saints and, this year, one of them, S. Pedro got ahead of himself being of great help to S. João. The day was hot, conducive to go out on the streets and celebrate with millions of people. Once again, and as always, the people from Porto raised spontaneous joy, holding a hammer or garlic leek in their hands. Among millions of people that have walked through the city the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, was once again one of them.
The late afternoon was already promising, at the time that the mayor of Porto City Hall went on a walk through Ribeira and even before, with the offer of hundreds of manjericos, in front of Paços de Concelho. The night would not be different: millions celebrating the popular saint…until the morning.
And the so awaited fireworks did not miss, at midnight, set off in the margins of Douro River, from barges and the superior tray of Ponte Luís I, that, this year, restarted circulating in the inferior tray, before and after the fireworks show. It lasted for 16 minutes which attracted everyone’s attention, including from the President of the Republic, in Casa do Roseiral.
“In Porto, I always have energy”
“Here I am, invited by the mayor of the City Hall. It is almost a tradition”, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa stated, ensuring that he did not bring a hammer, but that “it is part of the night to do some hammering”.
“In Porto, I always have energy. The city creates energy”, the chief of State added.
After the fireworks, the party proceeded with bailaricos (popular street dance) all through the city. The usual stage in Aliados, was, once again, replaced in three main places: one, in Largo Amor de Perdição (Cordoaria), another one in the gardens of Palácio de Cristal, and a third one in Casa da Música Square.
In Largo Amor de Perdição, Emanuel and Cláudia Martins & Minhotos Marotos took the stage. In turn, in the gardens of Palácio de Cristal, Miguel Araújo and the band Fogo Fogo performed (in a concert that was attended by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Rui Moreira. In Casa da Música Square the stage was taken by David Bruno and Moullinex.
The night was long, for many it lasted until morning.