
Rui Moreira announces new Emergency Support Line to associations

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Miguel Nogueira

The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira announced he is to put forward a proposal to open a new Emergency Support Line to Associations in Porto, within 15 days’ time, during the private Executive Meeting, held on 25th January, by videoconference.

This measure is taken in the framework of the hardening of the pandemic and the resulting harsh consequences. During the same meeting, the third edition to the Municipal Support Fund to Associativism in Porto has been unanimously adopted by the Executive, in the sum of 800 thousand euros. This measure is set to aid 28 projects.

Ilda Figueiredo, councilwoman of Porto City Hall, for the CDU party, presented a proposal to support associations in the city. In turn, Rui Moreira ensured “the Emergency Support Line to Associations in Porto will be reactivated”, and furthered that this would not be repeated in the future, but “this is a fair proposal, as unfortunately, we are reliving what happened in the months of March and April last year”.

Rui Moreira added that “the line worked well”, as it was able to meet the immediate shortcomings of the city’s associations, communities and clubs. The budget earmarked for the new emergency support line has not yet been announced; yet, Mayor Rui Moreira stated that “it won’t be less than the money granted last year”.

However, Mayor Rui Moreira, clarified that these two aides to associativism are distinct from one another; “they have two different dimensions, even though they are meant for the same ecosystem; one is a tender and the other is an emergency support line”.

As regards Associativism, Rui Moreira enhanced that “for years, there was not a support fund to associativism, and “this is the third edition because the city is trying to meet that demand”; still, furthers the Mayor of Porto, “we cannot think that these needs are solved overnight”.