
Rivoli turns 86 on 20 January and everyone is invited to the birthday party

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Filipa Brito

Rivoli turns 86 this Saturday, on January 20th and everyone is invited to the birthday party. All the events are free and the tickets can be picked up on the same day, from 10 am onwards, up to the limit of two per person.

The celebrations also mark the start of the upcoming season at Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP).

Rivoli's past grand opening was in 1932, after undergoing reconstruction works. The spectacular refurbishing of the entire building gave place to a memorable concert hall, one of the most iconic in the city of Porto, featuring dance performances, theatre, music, puppet shows, new circus and cinema.

This most extraordinary anniversary celebration includes a non-stop festive programme full of music, dance, theatre and installation events and literature initiatives. The highlight of the celebration is the party at Café Rivoli, where partygoers can dance the night away to the sound of DJ Affreixo, André Tentúgal and Pedro Tudela.

See here the entire programme for Rivoli's 86th Anniversary.