
Porto joins the celebration today 30/11 of the first edition of the International Day of the Educating City.

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Founded in 1994, the International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC) is a non-profit Association, constituted as a permanent collaborative structure uniting local governments committed to the Charter of Educating Cities, which is the road map of the cities that comprise it.

Porto signed the Charter of Educating Cities in 1990, it is a member of its Association since 1997 and it is a member of its Executive Committee since November 2014.

Today, the 480 members of the Educating Cities join their voice in favour of an inclusive quality education for all and throughout life.

Within the celebration framework, Porto hosts numerous events all day long throughout the city. For more information see annexed table.

For the purpose of this celebration, the mayor of Porto, Rui Morteira, issued a written statement referring the city "being an educating city implies that the policies, measures, programs and projects, promoted by the different instances, institutions, public and private entities of the city, contain an educational intentionality (Formative and educational) whose objectives are to contribute and promote the integral development of citizens, citizenship and participatory democracy."