
Porto switches public lighting to LEDs thus boosting energy efficiency

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Filipa Brito

Porto will have LED streetlights, as unanimously approved by the Municipal Assembly, during an extraordinary meeting, last week. This means that Porto will significantly reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions by 3800 tons.

Since the beginning of the operation, Porto.Luz + Eficiente", on January 1st 2016, there was a reduction of electrical power consumption, estimated at 2.886.908 kWh. Also, primary energy consumption was reduced reaching the value of 620, 7 tep and CO2 emissions by 1.356,9 tons.

This operation was implemented in 2015 by the Municipality of Porto, with the support of AdEPorto - Porto energy Agency, with the replacement of 2.483 traditional bulbs using LED technology in several roadways and neighbourhoods in the city of Porto.

Switching street lights to LED’s results in investments of over 6.5 million euros. The Vice Mayor of Porto, Filipe Araújo acknowledged that the investment follows the target of “energy efficiency” and that, at present, “the energy that lights our roads comes already from 100% renewable energy source”.

LEDs will be tendered to five companies, namely Amener, Aramus, Sociedad Iberica de Construcciones Electricas (Branch office in Portugal), I-Sete Inovação Soluções Económicas e Tecnologias Ecológicas and BMVIV.

The Invicta raised the CO2 reduction target to 50 percent till 2030, for a more decarbonized city, where citizens are granted access to a safe, sustainable and renewable energy.

Porto is committed to mitigate climate change and the city will subscribe to the Covenant of Mayors Pledge to Climate and Energy, launched by the European Union. Furthermore, Porto joined the Transport Decarbonisation Alliance and committed to reaching these new targets till 2030.