Porto Economy Award will distinguish academic works of relevance to the city
Miguel Nogueira
Porto City Council is promoting the third edition of the Porto Economy Award, which aims to distinguish academic dissertations or research works that focus on a topic of relevance and interest to the city's economy. Applications are open and run until November 30.
The award seeks original works that deal with topics related to economic development strategies, investment attraction, talent attraction and retention, competitiveness, knowledge and innovation networks, entrepreneurship, and economic diplomacy.
The main objective of the initiative is to encourage research on the local and regional economy, through new angles of approach.
In the 2023 edition, the first place will be awarded a cash prize with a value of 3,000 euros, the second place will have a prize with a value of 1,500 euros and the third place will be awarded a prize of 1,000 euros.
Academic works developed in Portuguese or English, over the last 36 months, published or defended between November 30, 2020, and November 30, 2023, will be eligible.
As in previous editions, after the announcement of the winners, it is planned to hold a public award ceremony, which is scheduled for the end of the first quarter of 2024.
The Porto Economy Award is a municipal project, developed through the Information and Strategic Studies Office of the Municipal Department of Economics.
Applications can be submitted on the Porto City Council's website, where the public notice of the initiative is also available. Additional clarifications should be requested through the email premioeconomiaporto@cm-porto.pt.
It should be remembered that in previous editions, the winning works incorporated themes such as smart cities, data dashboards design, real estate market, digital nomads, innovation ecosystem, and talent retention, applied to the economic context of Porto.