
Porto celebrates 32 years of Ukrainian independence

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Guilherme Costa Oliveira

In response to the request by the Ukrainian Consulate in Porto, the Municipality associated itself to the celebrations of the Ukrainian Independence Day – celebrated on the 24th of August – and has lighted once again the building of the Council Chambers with the colours of the Ukrainian flag. The Ukrainian community came together in Praça General Humberto Delgado to remember the year and a half of the invasion.

Citing the Consulate, the initiative hopes to signal “the heroic fight of the Ukrainian people against the Russian aggression” and remind the importance of “international support” in protecting its sovereignty and independence.

It does well to remember that Porto has been showing solidarity with Ukraine since the beginning of the war, having demonstrated its support in several situations, whether in the organization of the campaign “Somos Todos Ucrânia” (We are all Ukraine), which sent several trucks filled with donations to Ukraine, or of a charity concert outside the Coliseu.