
Pilar del Río and Inês Meneses will go to Batalha to talk about the film “Función de noche”

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Next Saturday, May 13th at 5:45pm, Pilar del Río and Inês Meneses will be at Batalha Centro de Cinema for a conversation after the exhibition of the film “Función de noche” (1981), by Josefina Molina.

A cult film and one of the first examples of cinéma vérité in Spain, the movie focuses on the oppressive education that women received under Franco’s dictatorship.

“Función de noche” depicts the backstage of Lola Herrera’s and Daniel Dicenta’s lives, actors who were once married, that look back on their experiences and reflect about their relationship’s isolation, repression, and immaturity.

Crossing fiction and documentary film, this work stands out for being the first of its kind to give a voice to the women of that time, who have fought for equality and a place in society.

At the end of the session, Pilar del Río – president of José Saramago Foundation, writer who collaborated with Josefina Molina – and radio broadcaster Inês Meneses meet for a conversation about this work.

“Función de noche” é apresentado no âmbito do ciclo “El Futuro Ya no Está Aquí”, com curadoria de Guilherme Blanc e Virginia Pablos. Apresentado até 31 de maio, o programa oferece uma perspetiva sobre o processo de libertação de Espanha e a sua transição para a democracia.

“Función de noche” will be featured under the cycle “El Futuro Ya no Está Aquí”, curated by Guilherme Blanc and Virginia Pablos. On display until May 31st, the program offers a perspective on Spain’s liberation process and its transition to a democracy.