Photo Ark by Joel Sartore urges people to take action and save the planet
In an interview to Porto., Joel Sartore talks about his life passion, or "obsession", as he calls it, to document all endangered species in this ark.
The reputed photographer and conservationist has devoted more than 30 years of his life to photographing wildlife in the farthest corners of the planet. In 2006, Sartore's wife was diagnosed with cancer. This was the turning point in Sartore's lifestyle and, more importantly, in his life goal. The family beat cancer and a new project was born: the mission to document all endangered species.
This North American, born in Nebraska took it upon himself to help "save the Earth". To doing so, Joel Sartore created the Photo Ark Project, a documentary that features the work of a lifetime.
Joel's mission is to raise people's awareness to the fact that "the human species is not the only one worth saving from extinction". And, according to Sartore, "the right time to act is now because there is still a lot to be done and if we all do our share there are a lot of disappearing species that can be saved and we can help balance the planet's biodiversity".
Sartore feels very optimistic and this is what drives him and his team to travel round the globe to shoot the most unique and amazing photos of animals at risk, be it in a protected natural environment or in captivity.
Since inception, the Photo Ark has already documented over 7000 species. The goal of the project is to reach the 15000 documented species.
The project has been shown in several locations in the world, including the Empire State Building, in New York or the Vatican, in Italy.
The display in Porto comprises 40 photos, infographics and videos of endangered species.
The reputed photographer pinpoints that this is a global challenge that affects the entire world population, as well as water quality and food scarcity. "It is folly to think that we can survive in a planet without elephants or bees. Only by preserving the biodiversity will we be able to save humankind. And I am very glad to see that finally, after 12 years since the project started, people are starting to pay attention".
+ Info: Photo Ark - Galeria da Biodiversidade