
Open Scientific Repository of the U.Porto is the most comprehensive in Portugal and the 43rd in the world

  • Article



Filipa Brito

The 11th edition of "Transparent Ranking of Repositories" puts the Open Repository of the University of Porto as the most comprehensive at national level and ranks it 43rd at world level. The repository holds and provides research output by the scientific and academic community of the U. Porto of more than 50 thousand full-text documents, which are available in online databases on the Internet and can be accessed freely and instantly.

The Transparent Ranking of Repositories is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), which is the largest public research body in Spain. It is attached to the Ministry of Education and its outlining goal is to promote scientific research, by supporting free access to scientific publications and other academic material, in an electronic form. Records are indexed by Google Scholar.

In total, the 11th edition of the Transparent Ranking of Repositories assessed 2871 repositories. The Open repository of the University of Porto leads the national ranking, with 58 500 available documents and other material, followed by the Repository of the University of Minho, which provides 41 300 open documents and other material, the Repository of the University of Lisbon (30 700 documents and other material), the Institutional Repository of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (28 100 documents and other material) and the Digital Library of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (21 400 material and resources).

At global level, with an impressive record of 2 750 000 open material and resources, the number one in the ranking is the Europe PMC.

The main objective of the Open Repository of the University of Porto is to collect, preserve and disseminate the scientific and intellectual research of the Academia of the University of Porto, freely and, whenever possible, with access to the full document. The Repository is structured in “Communities and Collections”, providing dissertations, thesis, conference minutes, books, reports, posters, and other material produced by the organic units, research centres and different organisations that are part of the U. Porto.