
Natixis is hiring in Porto despite coronavirus

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Miguel Nogueira

Natixis expands operations in Porto even during the pandemic and recruits new talents.

The pandemic is no obstacle to the continuous growth of Natixis in Porto. The right combination of policies and investments and the talent of human resources can set the stage for thriving industries.

As such, Natixis, which inaugurated its Technological and Information Skills Centre in Porto in 2017, will increase its services portfolio in the areas of Law, Business Administration and International Relations by recruiting 130 new collaborators. This project is called Purple Scan and applications are open till 3rd June. All the recruitment phases are carried out in the virtual format. "Do you have the purple factor?"

Even with the current pandemic, plans do not change and Natixis is looking for "young professionals who identify with Natixis culture and who intend to grow with this new project. Besides holding a degree, candidates should be fluent in English, be willing to learn, show agile and innovative thinking, proactive attitude and also a multicultural and collaborative mentality. They should be willing to join our team starting July 2020", explains Maurício Marques, Human Resources Director at Natixis Portugal.

There are 30 employment openings to fill till the end of the year. New collaborators will join the Know Your Customer and Sanction & Embargo teams, which are part of the new activities developed by Natixis Portugal since the beginning of the year.

Natixis Director to Portugal, Nathalie Risacher, who stated to "Dinheiro Vivo" that the Natixis's main priorities are enhancing finances and banking activities, and that all the work developed in Porto, so far targeted at the technological area, should start to prioritise innovation.

"We want Porto to implement those solutions", affirmed Nathalie Risacher to "Dinheiro Vivo".

It is worth highlighting that Natixis and several other companies relocated to Porto as the result of the he investment attraction office created by Rui Moreira, InvestPorto; this municipal support office to the city's economic development is linked with projects that have created more than 11 thousand jobs.

These figures show that Porto is indeed "the city that works" - and this is the signature of the Municipal Office that now takes a new guise, providing new services to cope with the emerging challenges of both the global and the local economy.

+ Info: applications and new job positions at Natixis