
Municipality signs a Protocol of Cooperation for Equality and Non-Discrimination

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Miguel Nogueira

It was unanimously approved by the Municipal Executive, at the extraordinary private meeting this Monday, the conclusion of the Protocol of Cooperation for Equality and Non-Discrimination, promoted by the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG).

The proposal presented by the councilman for Social Cohesion received the favourable votes of the entire municipal Executive and is part of a set of “intervention, inclusion and social development measures” that the Municipality of Porto has been implementing, which include “concerted and articulated actions with the social partners, in order to promote gender equality”, noted Fernando Paulo.

“The Municipality of Porto aims to continue and further deepen the scope of intervention in the area of equality and non-discrimination”, reinforces the councilman, underlining the municipality’s alignment with the objectives of the National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030 “Portugal + Igual”. “Universal access to the rights, resources and services necessary for the participation in society, preventing and fighting exclusion and fighting all forms of discrimination that lead to it.”

Thus, similarly to what other municipalities have already done, Porto City Hall decided to enter into the Protocol of Cooperation for Equality and Non-Discrimination with CIG within the framework of the promotion and safeguarding of the population’s own interests, as provided for by law. Municipalities must assume “a driving role as development agents and privileged entities for the implementation of actions and measures that allow the territorialization, identification and local ownership of the objectives of the National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030 “Portugal + Igual”, it read.

CIG is the organism that assures the “development of the global and sectorial policy within the scope of promoting equality between women and men, preventing and fighting violence against women and domestic violence, and fighting discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sexual characteristics, including from an intersectional perspective, cooperating and proving technical assistance to public and private entities at national, regional and local levels in projects and actions that coincide with its mission”, concluded Fernando Paulo.